As a child Subi Bosa drew pictures all the time. In every room of the house- sometimes on the walls. His mother still tells everyone “… he knew how to draw before he could properly hold a pencil,” and throughout his life in South Africa, Subi has been known for drawing fun pictures and comics, which he did throughout highschool and university.
After studying Architecture he realised his passion was in illustration and became a freelancer, working with self publishing authors worldwide and was awarded a Mo Siewcharran Publisher’s Prize for Illustration in 2020. In 2022 The Girl With 21 Questions, a picture book illustrated by Subi and published by Pan MacMillan, won the gold Pendoring award for best designed picture book. His Wordless comic Miyayu had its first issue released in 2021, published by Imagnry House and the book’s fame sparked the Kingsmead Book Fair to invite Subi to host a comic making workshop which was a great success. Subi is based in Cape Town, South Africa, producing picture books, comics, graphic novels and a podcast for creatives titled ‘Subi and Kate Circling Back’. His new title, Wrong! is due in 2025. He is also currently working on his debut graphic novel which will be published in August 2025.
Connect with Subi:
Instagram: @subi_bosa