As we get closer to releasing the programme for Open Book, we are ready to reveal the next round of local authors! We are excited to announce that the following authors will be participating in the festival this year:

Ishay Govender-Ypma, Kelly-Eve Koopman (Because I Couldn’t Kill You) and Refiloe Moahloli
Fiona Snyckers, Funeka Soldaat (Uhambo), Jonny Steinberg and Zethu Matebeni (Beyond the Mountain)
We are looking forward to partnering with #CoCreateSA again to bring you one of the highlights of the festival, #cocreatePoetica. Look forward to performances, discussions, workshops and readings from exciting local and international poets. Some of the local poets joining us this year:

This year’s festival will inaugurate the very first #WritingmyCity anthology. We partnered with public libraries to encourage anyone to submit a story in their preferred language that speaks to Cape Town in some way. We received a total of 187 entries, including 28 Afrikaans stories and poems and 6 isiXhosa stories. The judges are in the process of selecting 40 entries for inclusion in the anthology, which we are delighted to launch at the festival!
The programme will be available on our website in early August and tickets will go on sale through Webtickets at the same time.
If you would like any additional information about the festival, please get in touch with Frankie.
Open Book Festival hosted by the Book Lounge and the Fugard Theatre is organised in partnership with the Fugard Theatre, the District 6 Museum, the A4 Arts Foundation, the Townhouse Hotel, Novus Holdings, the Embassy of Sweden, the Dutch Foundation for Literature and the HCI Foundation and sponsored by Leopard’s Leap, Open Society Foundation, City of Cape Town, Pan Macmillan, NB Publishers, Jonathan Ball, Penguin Random House, African Centre for Cities, UCT Creative Writing Department, University of Stellenbosch English Department and the Windham Campbell Prizes