Andre Swanepoel

Andre Swanepoel is a qualified medical doctor, a proud South African, and harbours a passion for people and the human condition from where his love of poetry has its origin. He has seen his share of suffering, heartache and joy, and pulls from these very human experiences the inspiration for his poetry, which guards his sanity and provides a backdrop for crucial narratives. In life, work and poetry, he seeks to capture the essence of what it means to be human, and therefore fallible, which he believes is preferable to being invincible. There is hope in the darkness and joy amid our sorrow, and he seeks to uncover and share it. The belief that words, love and unity heal all wounds is dear to his heart. To date, he has multiple publications available online and in print. His poetry journey started as a form of journaling but quickly evolved to a short-form practice of hastily scribbled sticky notes available online and on Instagram at @swansongs01.