Zahira Asmal

zahira asmal

Zahira Asmal is the founder and managing director of The City, and socio-spatial enterprise Designing South Africa. As an editor, curator and publisher, her projects address design, democracy and inclusive city making. In doing so she has worked with governments, designers, architects, academics and the media globally. Her first book, Reflections & Opportunities, was published in English and Brazilian Portuguese and was presented in 17 cities in Brazil, Argentina, South Africa, the UK, Germany and Italy. Asmal was selected to represent South Africa at the International Architecture & Design Showcase in London, where she curated the exhibition entitled A Nation Under Construction. She has published three publications – titled Movement – on the social, spatial, political, economic and cultural movements that have created South Africa’s big cities. Asmal is an initiator and facilitator of city making projects that bring together governments, local and global cultural institutions, creative professionals, the private sector and the public.